The AIR Group filed a motion to urge the Ministry of Agriculture and Water and the announcement was made by the industry to undertake "urgent and effective against Murcia worst drought in 140 years Campo measures."
The independent Speaker, M.Victoria Martinez, reflected that "has already lost harvest of cereal, and almond crop is highly damaged, with estimates of up to 25 hectares lost to early summer"
Since AIR is also requested that the City "appropriate coordinate with those affected by this situation Ricote actions" and called for the need to continue supporting ricoteños Murcia and farmers.
Martinez Lajarín criticized that "only the AIR Group has made a motion that echoes the local problem is customizing proposals while socialsitas devoted to file a motion to cut and paste on"
In line with this the council has called for the 30th meeting in the Country UPA representatives to advise on opportunities facing this situation too long.
Source: AIRE