As stated by the Speaker of AIR, María Victoria Martínez Lajarín, "the natural landscape of Ricote is one of its greatest values, the protection and enhancement will ensure a better future for all ricoteños.
Since AIR and based on the principles of political ecology we defend, we believe the Huerta de Ricote as a whole has a natural value, reflecting a structure Arab orchard crops of many years as evidenced by the excavations in past dates " .
Therefore, says Martinez Lajarín, "not only the Huerta de Ricote is a major agricultural region concerning the production of citrus and houses ancient trees as Olivera Gorda, but their momentum is a key element for the development Socioeconomic of a people who has always enjoyed a special relationship with his Huerta ".
"La Huerta de Ricote has unquestionable ecological value" independent stand with a very high degree of preservation, which contrasts with the loss of natural areas as a result of "brick" in other areas of our region.
But also, the Huerta de Ricote has a strategic cultural value to understand our history, and therefore the entire Valle, has since witnessed the development of numerous populations, with particular splendor during the Arab period.
In it, there are two monuments that are part of the identity of any ricoteño memory: the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de las Huertas (early sixteenth century and did some research will provide a possible previous Arab origin), heart of the Garden and The Molinos, perfect witness the fun of numerous generations of ricoteños as well as a key element for irrigation.
"All these aspects, with regard to our Huerta, ecological, cultural and scientific significance, make us defend this proposal, aiming to unanimity in the plenary, to apply from the day after the full the Governing Council and the Ministry that initiate the formalities. "
"Likewise, our Sierra, no slouch when it relates to ecological value.
However, since AIR understand that applying the Law 42/2007 preservation approach must be different, and in this case it is mandatory to request the Declaration as Regional Park "say independent sources.
Our Sierra approximately 20 km in length, crowned by Almeces (1230 meters), that show the TV to thousands of Murcia, and numerous protected species like the Peregrine Falcon or Eagle Real (which led to its declaration as SPA), make this unique enclave in the region.
Respect for the ecosystem, the survival of ancient roads, the large number of wild species,
Above all, it must be emphasized the interrelationship of the people of Ricote with Sierra, always respectful way that has allowed convert this space into a real lung, which many visitors come to lose sinsabor routine.
This statement should not be just a mere draft this, but should aim to ensure a future in which our natural heritage survives the test of time.
To begin the process of declaration as Regional Park is a need to develop a Plan of Management of Natural Resources in the area, for which there must be environmental agents and other persons knowledgeable about the environment, end independent in its statement.
Source: AIRE